Greener world with smarter Mobility Management in Public Transport

Very often Budget restrictions and demographical change result in an unsatisfying reduction of public transport offerings, not only in rural areas. High availability and increasing number of cars in private households, reduced public transport offerings and the lack of a coordinated “mobility management” causes a modal split, even in cities, of more than 60% and often beyond 90% in favor of the private car. With an average load factor of 1.1-1.2 (Source: Mobilität in Deutschland 2008 (MiD 2008)) this creates increasing environmental problems due to exhaustion. And it raises another question: How can an affordable and reliable public transport offering be provided when an increasing number of citizens are no longer capable of driving a vehicle themselves in the near future? Examples of 3 rural districts in Germany show how a Trapeze system supports innovative approaches of integrating private and commercial rideshare and taxi services into a public transport offering, leading to a measurable and dramatic reduction of CO2 exhaustion. But there is not only an environmental effect: at the same time the public transport offering becomes more attractive to all demographic groups through integration into journey planners and mobile apps. This is a way to provide a highly accepted PT offering for all travel reasons: work, education, shopping or leisure which saves thousands of tons of not only CO2 exhaustions.
Lesen Sie auch unseren Bericht über die UITP Summit 2017: